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When Will ChatGPT 5 Be Released

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On March 14, 2023, the beta version of the new GPT-4 neural network was released, which managed to surprise even those skeptical about AI technology with its new capabilities. It’s only been a few months and the public’s attention is now captured by the news of a potential upcoming release of another version – GPT-5. When will it appear, what will it be able to do, and what are the risks involved?

What Is GPT-5?

ChatGPT-5 is a generative chatbot with artificial intelligence support being developed by OpenAI. The technology was first presented to users on November 30, 2022, and since then has undergone several major updates. In particular, there were releases of GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and the current version, GPT-4. The service’s audience exceeds 100 million people.

Why Are People Waiting for ChatGPT-5?

There are several reasons why users are keenly following the development of ChatGPT-5:

  • Improved language generation due to an updated artificial intelligence architecture combined with expanded training, including the participation of human trainers;
  • Higher accuracy resulting from the fact that the new version was trained on a much wider and more diverse set of source data than its predecessors;
  • The emergence of new capabilities and functions that were not supported in previous versions – the full list of these options has not been disclosed yet.

Will Chat GPT 5 communicate like a human? There is every reason to believe that the dialogue with the new version of artificial intelligence will be very similar to a conversation with a real person. There is no reason to assert that GPT-5 will reach the level of general-purpose AI capable of solving a wide range of tasks like humans. It can be said that it will surpass the capabilities of the old (currently actual) version, and this will be particularly appreciated by IT professionals.

When to Expect the Release of ChatGPT-5?

OpenAI has not yet announced an exact date for the release of the new neural network version. Based on the development and release pace of previous iterations, it is likely that the updated AI will appear towards the end of 2023. One of the developers, Siky Chen, stated that the training of the new neural network version will be completed by December 2023. It is likely that users will be able to use its capabilities at least in beta mode shortly after that.

OpenAI has officially announced plans to release an interim version of the neural network as GPT-4.5 as early as September or October 2023. It differs from the current “fourth” version in several ways: accelerated generation, increased response accuracy, and higher quality code for developer queries. After the appearance of GPT-4.5, we will be able to more accurately predict when ChatGPT-5 will be released and how it will differ from its predecessor.

How to Stay Updated About the Neural Network Release?

The development progress of OpenAI technologies, including the updated ChatGPT-5 neural network, can be tracked both on the developer’s official website and in their social media profiles. If you want to be informed of the news, subscribe to OpenAI’s updates feed. Meanwhile, as Chat GPT 5 is under development, you can use its previous versions – 4 or 3.5.

What Are the Risks of ChatGPT-5 Emerging?

The rapid development of the capabilities of artificial intelligence, in the form of the ChatGPT-5 neural network, is not only a positive but also a negative aspect due to several risks:

  • Copyright infringement. The problem of sourcing data used by the neural network in its responses remains unresolved. This is critical when using the technology for writing scientific and academic papers, as well as in commercial tasks.
  • Decreased content quality. While the neural network usually produces unique content in terms of copy-pasting, it is often difficult to call it original. There are also factual errors that so far can only be distinguished by a human and not by AI.
  • Creativity issues. At the current stage of development, the neural network is incapable of creating its own ideas – it compiles those previously conceived. It gives the impression of novelty, but this is not the case; only humans can truly create.
  • Displacement of people in certain fields. Arguably the most severe risk, which may affect designers, editors, SEO specialists, and developers of various types of content, at least those in the lower market price category.

It should be noted that not long ago, hundreds of leaders and representatives from the tech sphere, including Elon Musk, signed an open letter with warnings regarding the rapid development of AI. In particular, they called on OpenAI to pause the training of neural networks smarter than GPT-4.

Despite the risks listed, many users are eagerly anticipating the release of more sophisticated neural network versions, including ChatGPT-5. It is possible that with its emergence, more serious risks will be discovered; however, it’s too early to discuss this at the current stage.

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