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Writing an Essay via Chat GPT

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Using Chat GPT to write an essay is a quick and efficient way to get an interesting result. Before 2020, it seemed like a fairy tale and was the dream of every student.

Today, such an opportunity is available to anyone with a phone or a computer. Leaving aside the question of plagiarism (even with deep reworking of information) and the controversial positive effect on education, using Chat GPT means saving a lot of time and effort. Preparing to Write an Essay with ChatGPT The main impact of the finished work lies in the query made to the artificial intelligence. This program does not think – it “simply” analyzes tons of information on the Internet, considering the user’s requirements, and then composes its response.

Chat GPT, which writes an essay, is a tool, not a creator. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully craft the query:

  • Determine the specifics of the work (narrative, reasoning, description, etc.);
  • Specify the topic and ask to formulate a plan for the work;
  • Request to outline the main theses according to the plan;
  • If the detailed plan is satisfactory, proceed with writing (preferably, handle each point separately).

If mistakes are made at this stage, they can be easily corrected. The cost of the error is the time spent waiting, checking, adjusting the query, and waiting again. Writing an Essay with ChatGPT To use Chat GPT, follow a few simple steps:

  • Choose a service on the Internet or in Telegram;
  • Activate the text generator;
  • Enter the query (pre-formulated with a detailed outline);
  • Upon completion, review the text and, if necessary, adjust the query;
  • Obtain the entire set of texts for each subsection.

From there, creative work still begins: re-read the AI’s responses, correlate them with the topic, make your adjustments, smooth out inconsistencies, and check facts and quotes.

Creative notes come during the preparation for submission (if you need to rewrite by hand or reformat on a computer). Chat GPT, which writes an essay, shapes the text as other authors have done. We often need our unique style. Writing an Essay with ChatGPT To compose an essay, you need to add notes of personal reflections and experiences to the essay. Asking artificial intelligence to do this might lead to unpredictable results – the service usually integrates facts and descriptions into the text, leaving emotions aside.

Therefore, if you need to write an essay using Chat GPT, organize the essay and then add personal viewpoints. This requires a few lines in each section of the outline and a unique conclusion at the end. Advantages and Limitations of Using ChatGPT for Writing Essays Writing any creative work using Chat GPT is the most desired solution for students. This service has many advantages:

  • Versatility and flexibility: AI takes on any topic and provides any amount of text (not all at once, but in portions that need to be connected);
  • Speed: for 3000-4000 characters (up to 2 pages of handwritten text), the neural network takes no more than 5-10 minutes;
  • Richness: the text includes all parts of speech, is interesting with the presence of epithets and synonyms, and contains both concise and expanded sentences with all punctuation marks.

Among the drawbacks and limitations of using Chat GPT for writing essays, the following should be highlighted:

  • Not always high-quality selection and presentation of information, especially if the creative work involves a poorly studied topic or needs to include information on an unpopular object or piece;
  • Large chunks of text won’t be created by AI; you’ll have to go back and forth a few times and also link these responses in terms of meaning and style.

To maximize Chat GPT’s relevance, it is necessary to ask very simple questions. And ready-made answers should be re-read before being included in the essay.

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