Chat GPT

Structuring Requests in ChatGPT

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If you have even modest experience with ChatGPT, you know that the neural network does not always provide the needed information. More often, it produces coherent and readable text, but of the “watery water with water” sort. Of course, AI knows a lot but does not understand what it knows. Therefore, the prompts (requests) for the bot should be composed correctly. If you are interested in a correct, informative result from working with AI, structuring requests in ChatGPT is a useful topic.

What Is It

Chat GPT is a chatbot created based on AI GPT. It is used to obtain textual answers to posed questions. The range of responses is the widest, from dry technical information to detective novels featuring cats as the main characters. In verse.

With this neural network, one can create virtual assistants, auto-responders, and various chatbots. However, to interact effectively with AI, you need to learn how to properly formulate requests for it.

Why It’s Needed

Sure, one could do without complex prompts and write a request like “Ok, Google”. But the result may not be impressive, especially if you want to get a complete letter or a marketing proposal text from the bot. Or an SEO description for a service.

So, why use prompts and know the principles of their structuring:

  • To improve the quality of responses. The more correctly you formulate the task, the more accurately the bot will understand it. Consequently, it will give a clearer and more precise answer, taking into account the context and other nuances.
  • For more efficient operation. Yes, the neural network works quickly, but incorrect questions can slow down data processing. Additionally, AI begins to make mistakes, and this isn’t a case where mistakes aid learning.
  • For effective AI training. Each correctly formulated task can help in the perfection of ChatGPT.

How to Do It Right

So, a few tips for writing prompts. If briefly, the structure of a request should consist of these components:

  • Task – the basis of the prompt, from which writing the request begins. Example: “I want to compose a business proposition for a client.” Or “Act in the role of a real estate expert and choose…“. The task can be multi-stage. For example: “I want to go on an adventure in Alaska, what do I need to do for this? Ask me five clarifying questions so that you can respond to my question. When you get enough information, study my answers and based on them write a full final response.”
  • Context – the second part of the structure. Context are the task conditions that explain its specifics. An effective structure of context would be the formula “Personal experience + description of the goal + command for the bot”. For example: “I weigh 57 kg at a height of 150 cm, want to lose weight to 50 kg in three months, and I have no time for workouts. Write me a three-month weight loss program.”
  • Bot’s role. Many overlook this point, but on resources like Habr, they emphasize roles for a reason. The role is the personality that the bot should adopt for a more complete answer. For example, you want to train before an important interview, and you set the bot the task, “Play the role of a recruiter. Ask me one question concerning my vacancy, there should be 20 questions in total. Study my answers and rate me as a candidate for the position.”
  • Format – in what form the answer should be. A list, a table, HTML code, text for a certain number of words, etc.


Creating well-formed requests helps obtain more informative and clear responses from ChatGPT. The article describes the structure of a prompt, provides examples of writing requests for various tasks. But with AI, practice is important, so – keep improving.

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