Chat GPT

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation

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Lacking inspiration when it comes to creating unique content for your website, social network, or blog? Bring creativity and efficiency to your process with the most popular neural network from OpenAI. We will examine ChatGPT prompts for content creation and learn how to formulate them appropriately.

What Are Prompts?

A prompt is a textual inquiry you input during your dialogue with ChatGPT neural network. It sets the conversation’s context and informs the model about the form and substance required for the output, highlighting what information should be considered. Simply put, it’s an instruction: the more accurate and detailed, the better the expected outcome. That’s why it’s so important.

How to Correctly Compose Prompts

To competently create ChatGPT requests for content generation, follow these simple rules:

  • Specify the role of the writer—be that a customer, an expert in a certain field, a client;
  • Set the tone of the text—professional, formal, conversational;
  • Define the type of text—article, product description or video, promotional post, etc.;

Be sure to be specific—don’t hesitate to elaborate on a large prompt with additional details.

Instructions for Use

  • Utilize AI to generate any kind of texts;
  • Posts for social networks;
  • Product descriptions for online stores;
  • Business proposals;
  • Texts for mailings;
  • Idea generation and scripts;
  • Creating engaging headlines.

An example request for populating an online store could be: “Act as a copywriter. Create a product card for the marketplace [product name and key features]. Come up with an advertising description of [number of words].”

To create a content plan, you might use a query like: “Formulate a content plan on topic X for one month [June] in the form of a table. The posts should be published with the frequency of [Y posts] per week.”


If you want a text based on or in the style of original material, include the example in your dialogue with the neural network. Specify in the request that ChatGPT should use the provided text as a model.

When generating texts, we recommend immediately setting the desired size of the output in characters or words. Example: “Write a promotional post on topic X with no more than Y characters without spaces.”

Try to use the active voice instead of the passive voice, remember the rules of punctuation, and refrain from using negative, critical, or judgmental language in your prompts.

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