Chat GPT

ChatGPT Prompts for Article Writing

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Many use AI capabilities for writing texts, and the most popular service is ChatGPT. It doesn’t matter what you want to generate – an article for Zen, a business letter, or a commercial proposal, a good result will be obtained if the user can properly set the task for the bot. And for that, you need to know how to compose prompts for ChatGPT for article writing.

What is a Prompt

First, it’s worth figuring out what prompts are. The word is derived from the English - prompts, which means - a hint. In other words, it’s a request sent to the bot to generate text. The result will depend on the accuracy of the prompt.

The relatively short request needs to include the topic, context, and style. Also, answer options can be included in this phrase, so that based on the information received, AI can write the text within the user-defined framework. If SEO article writing is required, it’s necessary to add keywords to the request.

How to Use ChatGPT Properly

To use ChatGPT, you need to create a personal account, i.e., register. For registration, you can use a Google or Microsoft account, the second option – register an account to an email. Then you need to enter a phone number and confirm it by entering the code sent to the specified number.

Russian citizens encounter problems at this stage, as registration with a Russian number is not possible. But bypassing this ban is not difficult, you can use a temporary number registered in the USA or other countries. In this case, you will need to use a VPN for registration and login.

It is also possible to do without a VPN, using intermediary bots available in Telegram. In this case, registration is not required, just launch the bot by pressing the “Start” button.

Useful Prompts for Article Writing

Quality prompts help generate relevant answers, minimizing the need to send clarifying queries.

Ideally, you should write prompts in English, as the bot was created in this language. It works in Russian, but it makes mistakes when writing articles - sometimes it confuses cases and conjugations, “invents” new words that do not exist in the Russian language. Therefore, the finished texts will need to be edited.

To Compose a Quality Prompt, it is Necessary to:

  • Address a specific audience;
  • Evoke the desired feelings in the reader;
  • Engage readers by telling a story;
  • Convince the reader using evidence.


  • Write a social media post up to 1000 characters long that directly appeals to middle-aged women wanting to lose weight and urges them to join the “X” group.
  • Write a text up to 500 characters long that will convince young mothers on maternity leave to buy my course on earning online, listing its advantages.
  • Write a text up to 250 characters long that clearly explains the functions and benefits of our product “X”.


There are libraries of prompts where you can pick a suitable request. But you can learn to compose prompts yourself, using the algorithm provided above. The main thing is not to forget to specify the topic of the article and add specifics, otherwise, the bot will delve into spatial reasoning.

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