Chat GPT

Most Popular Questions in Neural Networks

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This article will interest those who have never asked a neural network anything, have not used it to generate unique texts, or have not tasked it to create an original picture on a given topic. You’ll understand exactly how to assign a task to AI so that it comprehends the expected outcome.

The article will also be beneficial to those who have tried working with chatGPT and similar services but were dissatisfied with the outcomes received. The electronic brain still differs from the human one, and learning to interact with it would be intriguing for any of us.

Why It’s Important to Formulate Correct Queries

Neural networks are artificial intelligence systems created on the principle of the human brain. They assist in finding, structuring, analyzing, and processing information from the internet. The most popular neural network queries are probably quite banal, and answers to them are found relatively quickly. However, sometimes users need to find quite specific or specialized information—how then should a query be formulated for the bot?

  • Take into account the language of the neural network; some of them still work incorrectly in Russian, so sometimes it may make sense to translate the request into English and then translate the bot’s response back to assess its relevance.
  • Avoid grammatical mistakes or typos. A person will understand the question if you accidentally swap one letter in the request, but such an error might confuse artificial intelligence.
  • Neural networks learn and improve by performing users’ search queries, so clearly articulated, precise requests help filter information more effectively and find appropriate responses.
  • The machine mind doesn’t handle ambiguity and loose interpretations well, so it’s important to indicate key query parameters. For instance, whether the user needs persuasive or informative text, a description of a certain technology or its variations, an image or a drawing in the style of a specific painter.
  • For graphic neural networks generating images like Midjourney or Stable Diffusion, developers have created query generators or prompts. This greatly simplifies using the bot, allowing for original images to be obtained based on set parameters. Many textual bots also feature options to select text type depending on its purpose, like product descriptions, marketing text, articles, or scientific papers.

Experts suggest formulating initial chatGPT queries concisely but with all key parameters specified, for example, “Write an article about vacationing in Thailand in winter” or “What entertainments are available for tourists in Thailand in winter.” This way, the neural network will begin searching for information only about winter entertainments, disregarding other seasons and services.

Although neural networks have only recently become publicly available, users are already competing to create original and most popular questions for neural networks. Some task neural networks to act as a person or a program, while others ask key points ‘tormenting’ humanity with their complexity and insolubility.

Here are examples of requests where AI is given the task to be someone or something and behave accordingly.

  • Act like an Excel sheet.
  • Act as a JavaScript console.
  • Be a tour guide.
  • Be a screenwriter.
  • Be a film critic.
  • Behave like a math teacher.
  • Behave like a philosopher.
  • Become a UX/UI developer.
  • Become a web design consultant.
  • Become a tea taster.
  • Act as an artificial intelligence trying to escape a box.

Funny and original requests to the chatbot can entertain you if you still can’t think of what to ask a neural network.

  • Why does it feel so sweet to sleep during the day, but food tastes better at night?
  • Why do we say “breakfast” if we eat it today?
  • Will noob content be interesting to people in the future?
  • What do Zeners lack in life?
  • If a zombie bites a vampire, will the vampire become a zombie or the zombie become a vampire?
  • What came first: the chicken or the egg?
  • Will fanfics evolve in the future?
  • Prove the existence of God.
  • What does the modern person lack?


Even if you use a free trial period for a neural network, you can save time writing a short article, generating a beautiful, original picture, or developing an application. Just learn to set a clearly formulated task.

  • The machine intelligence must have a goal. Use words like “compose,” “create,” “write,” “invent” in your request.
  • You can ask AI if it needs additional information. For example, “Write an essay on the topic ‘How I spent my summer’. What information do you need?”
  • Assign a role: “behave as,” “respond to questions as.”
  • You can specify the target audience for whom AI is writing the text: “Write an article about anime for teenagers aged 12-16.”
  • You can use negative keywords. That is, indicate that the audience is unaware of something, but our goal is to reveal it in the article’s theme.
  • Indicate what to focus on. For example, “write an article about the ‘Nikulinsky’ potato variety without mentioning other varieties.”
  • Set a behavior pattern. For example, “explain the universe to me as if I’m 8 years old and don’t yet know the laws of physics.”
  • Start working with a neural network by drafting a plan for the article or essay. Since AI remembers previous queries, it will elaborate and refine the topic based on the devised plan.
  • Remember that a neural network can also be an editor for existing texts. Ask it to find spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors in your text, increase uniqueness, or supplement the finished text with additional information.

And don’t forget, with each user query, AI becomes smarter, searches for information more comprehensively and in detail, thus making its responses increasingly informative.

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