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Neural Network Overfitting

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Neural network overfitting is a circumstance where an AI model well “remembers” the original information but struggles to generalize knowledge considering updated information. This occurs when the system becomes overly complicated, adapts to noise, or random variations in training. Below, we will understand what lies behind the term, why it happens, and how to act correctly to solve it.

What Is Neural Network Overfitting

Neural network overfitting is an issue where the model excessively tunes to training data and cannot generalize knowledge effectively. It leads to the model performing well on the original information but poorly on new data.

Imagine preparing for a math exam. The study has started, and the learning process is underway. At first glance, the results seem to be improving, with the correct answers to many questions from the tests. However, there’s a problem. Tasks were repeated many times without understanding the fundamental mathematical principles. That is, specific answers were memorized for particular questions, but there’s no linkage of knowledge to new problems that might appear on the exam.

Similarly, a neural network may “memorize” existing examples and achieve high accuracy. When it fails to extract the essence and apply it to new data, it means that it is “overheating.” Such a situation leads to the system performing well on training information but unable to generalize data to different tasks, hence limited in its capabilities.

Why It Happens

Neural network overfitting occurs for various reasons:

  • Errors in allocating information between training and test sets. It’s crucial that data in the latter case is relevant to what happens in real-world conditions.

  • Too many epochs of training. Extended training sessions can cause a network to overfit. It tries to adjust too precisely to new data.

  • Insufficient amount of training data. With a lack of training examples, the neural network focuses on available information and does not seek connections. This is especially true for large and complex models.

  • Lack of regularization—a technique that helps prevent the problem.

  • Overcomplicated models. Using such neural network architectures facilitates overheating. If the system has too many parameters, it records information instead of engaging in generalization.

  • Diverse data. If the training data is diverse and noisy, neural networks can struggle with generalization. The system takes into account fluctuations in data, leading to overheating.

  • Not utilizing built-in mechanisms like dropout in some neural network architectures can lead to difficulties.

  • To protect against the problem, it’s important to balance the model’s complexity, the amount of training data, and the use of regularization and validation. We’ll delve deeper into this issue below.

What to Do

To protect against neural network overfitting and improve its generalization capability, it’s important to take the following measures:

  • Gather more diverse data for training. The more information, the better the neural network learns the general patterns.

  • Ensure correct separation of data to assess the model’s performance on new information.

  • If there are suspicions of overfitting, try using a simpler neural network architecture or reduce the number of model parameters.

  • Introduce regularization methods like L1 and L2, as well as dropout, to reduce the risk.

  • Employ cross-validation to evaluate effectiveness and identify issues.

  • Monitor the loss function on training and validation datasets. If the error on validation data starts to increase, it is a sign of overfitting. In that case, stop the training.

  • To increase the diversity of training data, employ augmentation techniques to create modifications.

  • Use a slower learning rate. It helps to cautiously update the model’s weight and prevent overheating.

  • Study the source data you are working with. It helps to determine which aspects are important.

  • Conduct multiple experiments with different hyperparameters, architectures, and regularization methods to find the best solution for the specific task.

  • A combination of methods and careful monitoring of the training process can prevent excessive “heating” of the neural network and create a model that correctly generalizes information.


To avoid neural network overfitting, it’s crucial to use diverse data, apply regularization methods, monitor the training process, and select a suitable architecture. Effective management helps to create reliable neural networks that can perform well on new tasks and data.

The balance between model complexity and available data plays a key role in preventing overfitting. Through careful analysis, experimentation, and optimization, systems with high generalization ability can be developed.

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