Chat GPT

ChatGPT Prompts for Resumes

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Artificial intelligence is utilized in different areas of human life, and one of the most popular bots is developed by OpenAI. Neural networks can also assist in job searches. Let’s delve into how to compose effective chatgpt prompts for resumes.

What are Prompts

Prompts are queries that users send to chatbots to receive a specific and informative response. ChatGPT prompts for resumes should be clear-cut; otherwise, AI will provide a vague response that won’t be of much help to the user.

The chatbot understands most of the world’s languages, but it still has a better grasp of English. So, if you know English, it’s best to compose prompts in it. However, if foreign languages are not your strong suit, you can write in Russian.

How to Properly Compose Prompts

The following tips will help you craft correct queries:

  • Formulate your task clearly;

  • Use simple and understandable language without complex constructions;

  • Check your queries for typos;

  • Specify the desired writing style.

Instructions for Use

There are different ways to use neural networks in job searching. AI can help you create a resume template.

Example: “I’m a programmer, help me write the five main points for a resume.”

To make the response even more specific, you can add keywords that describe your skills and abilities to the query, for example, “machine learning, Python, and Java.” Use more cues to ensure the text contains specific information, not general phrases.

The final response should be proofread and edited thoroughly. Make sure the information is accurate and there are no typos or errors. Be especially careful when proofreading if the dialogue is in Russian, as the chatbot sometimes inserts nonexistent words.

In addition to creating texts, neural networks can also be used to practice mock interviews, write cover letters, and recommendations.


Certainly, ChatGPT can assist job seekers in overcoming tricky aspects. But don’t rely entirely on AI. Remember the necessity of a creative approach; use the text composed by the bot as a foundation, expanding and adding to it. This will help create a ‘lively,’ non-generic resume, giving you an edge over the competition.

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