Chat GPT

Best Plugins for ChatGPT

Chat AI
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ChatGPT is a chatbot that utilizes artificial intelligence technology. It provides user responses based on a database and machine learning algorithms.

The number of neural network users is increasing every day, leading to a demand for additional ChatGPT chat capabilities. Developers solved this issue by creating modules.

Plugins are installed to improve its performance by adding new features and capabilities. For example, there is a plugin that identifies the user’s emotions or a module that trains the neural network on a specific topic. Programmers have developed an add-on that enhances design and interface. The module can be customized to make the interface more user-friendly, such as changing the language of communication, making an interactive interface, or altering fonts.

The best plugins for ChatGPT are Browsing and Link Reader. Each extension has its own application, but they are designed for a large number of users.

There are extensions for developers. The best plugins for ChatGPT used by developers are Wolfram, Retrieval, and Code Interpreter. Expanding the bot’s functionality attracts more people and solves many of their problems.

Definition and Features of Connecting Plugins

What are these, anyway? Plugins are modules that extend the bot’s capabilities. For example, they add new commands, information databases, and other functionalities.

Instructions for adding a module: • Open the main page, navigate to “Settings” -> Beta features. • Activate the “Web browsing” and “Plugins” functions. They are responsible for connecting to the internet and plugins.

• Create a new chat and switch the chat model to the latest version (version 4). • Go to the Plugin store by selecting it from the dropdown menu.

Choose the necessary extensions, and then enjoy using them. There is a limit to how many modules can be connected to one chat.

Useful Plugins for ChatGPT

It’s difficult to cover all in one article. However, the best plugins for ChatGPT 4 are:

  1. Browsing. Adds the ability to access the internet. Previously, the chat’s knowledge was limited to the year 2021. Although this feature can make mistakes, it attaches a link to the source of information.

  2. Wolfram. Integrates with the Wolfram computation system to solve complex mathematical problems. The chat provides calculation results and a step-by-step solution to the problem, with the option to generate an image if necessary.

  3. Retrieval. Enables interaction with databases to search for information and document indexing. The bot acts as a search engine for the database.

  4. Zapier. Allows the connection of apps and services with each other. It’s the “Swiss army knife” within one chat, as it facilitates interaction with other services through its interface.

    One can add an event to the calendar, plan a meeting, create a new table, or find a contact user by merely expressing the desire in the chat.

  5. Link Reader. Reads the contents of files, documents, and websites via a link. The chat automatically analyzes the information.

    Usage – request a summary of the news or the abstract of a scientific article.

  6. Show Me. Enables the creation of diagrams, illustrations, graphs of all kinds. Used for creating summaries, presenting a product, or visualizing plans.

  7. Chess. Simple as that. The module allows you to play chess with the chatbot. In addition to the game, the artificial intelligence provides tips on how to improve your playing.

  8. There’s an AI For That Helps find a variety of tools such as a format converter, photo and video editor.

    You need to describe your request in detail, and the artificial intelligence will select relevant applications and resources.


Finding the right module is simple. Go to the settings and find the plugin store.

Adding modules improves the interface, expands the bot’s capabilities, and saves time searching for information. There’s no need to use 10-15 sites to organize your life. Just connect them to Chat GPT and interact with it alone, adding, removing, and obtaining the necessary information.

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