Chat GPT

ChatGPT Prompts for Travel

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OpenAI’s capabilities, which we know better as ChatGPT, are boundless. AI will help develop a marketing strategy, write a fantastic story, an advertising text, or compose a business proposal for partners. But the neural network can also provide household help, for example, in planning travels. Now, there’s no need to study dozens of articles and reviews, compare air travel with driving, or look for more interesting places. All you need to do is compose ChatGPT prompts for travel.

What is a Prompt

This is a request to the chatbot where a task is formulated. A good prompt is a brief text that contains all the conditions for a correct response, a set of key parameters, additional information, and the actual task. The work result with ChatGPT wholly depends on how accurately you formulated the query.

How to Compose the Correct Prompts

To help the tool unleash its full potential, help it to understand your goals. There are three stages:

  1. First, define the tasks - what exactly you want to achieve. If it’s about travels, it could be a list of landmarks in five European cities and the optimal route for a trip. Or a travel plan through the northern regions of Russia aimed at finding beautiful landscapes. Or the development of instructions for a tourist in Morocco.
  2. The second moment - think through the key characteristics of the trip. Speed, convenience, cost, architecture or landscapes, exoticism, or atmosphere. Highlight what’s most important.
  3. Lastly - compile a list of hints for the AI. Describe your goal (to avoid misunderstandings, save money, gain more experiences, find the nearest nightclub).

Instructions for Composing Prompts

So, let’s examine several examples in which AI assistance will be useful for various purposes.

Suppose you’ve arrived in Bordeaux and want to stroll through the city’s most picturesque places.

Prompt: Act as a guide and help me find the most interesting and picturesque places near me. I will give you my location, and you suggest places I can visit. Also, I want information about similar places located close by. Pay attention to natural landscapes and beautiful views from vantage points. Pick places for walks in the fresh air. My request: interesting and beautiful places for walks in Bordeaux.

Let’s complicate the task - AI is a powerful tool, its usage replaces hours of planning.

Prompt: Plan a 7-day itinerary through the Altai region, with arrival and departure from Barnaul. I want to visit 5 popular tourist spots and another 5 lesser-known but scenic locations. Indicate the optimal means of transportation, the time spent at each location. Provide an approximate cost of accommodation and food in each place. Recommend the clothing needed for such a trip, considering the weather forecast for the Altai region in October 2023.


Although ChatGPT understands the Russian language, complex instructions are best composed in English. Choose simple formulations and words, use prompts, and provide more information. Then the result will exceed your expectations.

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