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How to Write a Thesis Using Neural Networks

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A thesis is the final work that should demonstrate the results of education. Writing a thesis requires significant effort. Therefore, the desire to reduce the workload by using modern technologies is quite understandable. Let’s explore how to write a thesis with the help of neural networks, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool.

Is This Possible?

Neural networks are specially created programs that use artificial intelligence to solve a variety of tasks, including writing texts. A neural network is capable of analyzing numerous sources of information, and moreover, AI can learn and update information.

Which available services can be used for writing? Among a wide variety of options for generating texts, it’s better to use:

  • ChatGPT – perhaps, the most popular bot, created by OpenAI. It can generate texts on a variety of topics, act as a consultant or a scientific advisor.
  • Gerwin AI – this network can be used for writing texts as well as for translating articles.
  • BERT – a tool created by Google capable of writing texts, abstracts, summaries.

However, choosing a chatbot is not enough; you need to learn how to work with it. And the most challenging part is composing the right query.

A Student Wrote a Thesis Using a Neural Network

The first case when a student wrote a thesis using a neural network and reported it occurred at RGGU (Russian State University for the Humanities). The inventive graduate, named Alexander Zhadan, said that it took him two days to write the final work. So, how did the guy write a thesis using a neural network?

Alexander used ChatGPT, the only downside he highlighted was the limit on the amount. The bot generates a text of no more than 4000 characters in response to a question. However, ChatGPT has the ability to remember the meaning of the written text, so it’s enough to ask it to continue in the next query, and the bot will start the next message in such a way that it will be connected with the previous one.

The graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities, who ingeniously used AI, noted in his interviews with the media that universities would have to reconsider the procedure of thesis defense. More time should be allocated for discussion so that the committee can understand whether the graduate is ready to submit the work or if he simply brought a well-written text with the help of artificial intelligence.

Alexander believes that there is nothing bad in using chatbots for writing essays and qualification works. In his opinion, AI makes it easier to solve the “blank page” problem, i.e., when you can’t start writing the first lines. Moreover, it’s impossible to simply download a text written by a bot without further work – it needs to be checked, edited, and corrected.

What Needs to Be Done

Let’s figure out how to write a thesis with AI. The main stages of work using ChatGPT as an example:

  • Topic Selection. Usually, this stage takes place at the university. The student chooses a topic, discusses its relevance with a scientific advisor, and selects literature. Once the topic has been approved, you can start working with the chatbot.
  • Compiling a Plan. This stage can already be entrusted to the robot. AI will devise a plan, choose titles for sections and chapters, and distribute data. If the student already has some work done, it’s possible to upload it and try to improve the plan with the bot’s help.
  • Collection and Systematization of Material. The neural network is capable of picking literature on a given topic, but the compiled list will definitely need to be checked and edited. When selecting literature, the chatbot does not evaluate the reliability of sources, so the list may include dubious or outdated data.
  • Writing Texts. This is the most lengthy and labor-intensive stage. The neural network generates texts quite quickly, but they cannot be inserted into the thesis without preliminary processing. Texts generated by AI need to be carefully read, checked, and edited. Russian is not the main language for ChatGPT, so it sometimes mangles words, confuses cases, and incorrectly constructs sentences. The relevance of data also needs to be verified.

After completion, it will be necessary to check the written work through a special service for plagiarism. Generally, text parts written by ChatGPT pass the check. Sometimes, the uniqueness indicators are low. In this case, non-unique sections will have to be rewritten. It’s especially difficult if the thesis is written on a common topic.

Pros and Cons

Certainly, AI can significantly speed up the process of writing the text part of the thesis. It will take less time to compile a plan and select literature, as well as to write the text part.

However, one should not think that the bot will do all the work while the student rests and “catches the zen.” To write a thesis or even a regular term paper with the help of AI, certain efforts will have to be made. Moreover, if the thesis includes an analytical or calculation part, it will have to be performed independently. AI cannot act as a researcher.

Moreover, AI still struggles with technical topics, so this tool is more suitable for students pursuing humanities.


Thus, using neural networks can help spend less time writing a thesis or term paper. But do not think that the bot will do all the work, and the student will only have to submit it. You will have to work as well. Thanks to ChatGPT, it’s faster to compile a plan, select literature, and write introductory and concluding parts. However, all texts must be edited, and time will have to be spent clarifying some details, as AI does not always use reliable sources. Therefore, a neural network is a good assistant, but not a full replacement for independent work.

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