Chat GPT

How to Generate Content with ChatGPT

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Generating content with ChatGPT. Yes, you have to create excellent content for Google, to have any chance of landing on its coveted first page, for attracting SEO traffic to your site. However, the emergence of Chat GPT has had a profound impact on content writing.

What’s Google’s policy on texts generated through ChatGPT? In a Google Search Central blog post, Google reminds us that the search engine “encourages quality content, regardless of how it is created.” Responding on X, Google describes its policy regarding content created with artificial intelligence.

So, once again, it seems that the created content should be thoughtful and written for users, regardless of what tool is used, how, why, and so on… The end user still remains in focus.

To use or not to use…

Under these conditions, Chat GPT and other content generators are invaluable tools for boosting productivity and creating more quality content.

Like all great tools, they are best put to use. However, you shouldn’t turn this tool into your new religion: to think and believe only through its help or to outsource the most important part of your anatomy: your brain, of course.

What not to do?

  • Mass content

If you’re creating dozens or even hundreds of pages on different topics with almost identical prompts hoping to attract a few users, chances are, Google won’t like it.

  • Content without a common theme

Another issue is creating unrelated pages or articles without a common theme or structure. Google always values good internal linking between the different elements of your site, as do your users! Again, it’s the user who, after reading quality content, decides to move to another element that he or she finds potentially interesting.

  • Content without keywords

Some keyword optimization is expected. Content that covers the main points related to the search (related products or services, issues, subcategories, frequent queries on the same theme, etc.) is sure to include these keywords.

However, you should be careful not to fall into the “keyword stuffing” trap.

In case it wasn’t clear, they are selling special humidors for cigars on their website…just for your information.

If not going to such lengths, over-optimization of keywords for the search engine, rather than for the user, is penalized.

  • Too general and boring content

Content created with artificial intelligence tends to be a bit generic if you don’t use specific prompts. As a result, content often becomes lengthy, overloaded with paragraphs, and… frankly, boring. It’s flat, monotonous, lacking personality, humor, or any standout part that attracts attention.

In short, if your content is boring, users will not linger on it. You must provide the right instructions to AI for it to generate interesting content.

What to do? If you follow recommendations that are opposite to the above, you will ultimately get interesting targeted content, integrated into a structured website, and answering specific questions. Don’t forget to take a step back and ensure that your content meets user requests and isn’t terribly boring.

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