Chat GPT

What is ChatGPT

Chat AI
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Since its launch in December 2022, ChatGPT has become a household name on the internet. With a staggering 1.8 billion people visiting it monthly, it continues to soar to new heights every month. So what exactly is this phenomenon called ChatGPT? What is chatgpt capable of, and how does this artificial intelligence work? To find all the answers, we’ve put together a detailed explanation of what chatgpt is, who developed it, its features, and much more.

ChatGPT was developed by the American company OpenAI. It was founded in 2015 as a non-profit open-source organization by a group of scientists and investors in the field of artificial intelligence, including Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Andrej Karpathy, among others. In December 2022, OpenAI launched a free preview of ChatGPT based on the GPT-3.5 model.

How Does It Work and What Are the Costs?

Let’s start with a simple explanation: what is ChatGPT? It’s an AI (artificial intelligence) based chatbot developed by OpenAI. Essentially, it’s a website where you can interact with an AI model. These models are also known as LLM (Large Language Model). As the name suggests, “chat” refers to its conversational functions, and GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a type of LLM.

Currently, it lets you converse with two AI models — GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. Both these LLM models were developed by OpenAI, and they are not open-source. GPT-3.5 is free and available to all, whereas GPT-4 is accessible only to paid users (subscribing to Plus at $20 a month). Both models are very talkative and also understand context, but GPT-4 is currently the world’s most advanced and capable LLM.

To briefly touch on the models, GPT-3.5 has been trained on 175 billion parameters, while GPT-4 is said to be trained on a vast 1 trillion parameters, making it incredibly capable. On the other hand, Google’s artificial intelligence, PaLM 2, is trained approximately on 540 billion parameters, making it one of the largest LLMs but still smaller than GPT-4. Additionally, GPT-3.5 has a maximum context length of 4096 tokens, while GPT-4 can go up to 32,768 tokens. Context length is basically how much information the model can process and produce.

GPT is based on the transformer architecture which is trained on a vast array of text data and can generate human-like textual content. Interestingly regarding chatgpt, Google has made a significant contribution to the GPT architecture.

Currently, OpenAI has transitioned from non-profit to “capped-profit” commercial endeavours and has partnered with Microsoft with an investment package of 1 billion dollars. In January 2023, Microsoft announced that it would invest 10 billion dollars into OpenAI for further research and development.

In Russia, the resource is not available. However, there are a number of intermediary sites offering paid access to chat GPT. We offer some of the lowest prices on the market for an unlimited solution and a free subscription option with simple registration.


Firstly, ChatGPT is quite creative (both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models). They excel at processing natural language and don’t lose context. From writing poetry and stories to absurd ideas and explaining complex hypotheses—they can perform myriad tasks. However, GPT-3.5 also has a tendency towards unreliability. It regularly fabricates non-existent information and cites data from nowhere.

  • Additionally, GPT-4 now allows you to access the internet and obtain the most up-to-date information on any subject thanks to integration with Bing. It uses Microsoft Bing’s search engine to find key results on the internet. This is not possible in the free GPT-3.5 model.
  • GPT-4 is also a multimodal model, which means it can analyze both texts and images.
  • Its capabilities are boundless. You can write stories, poetry, generate music chords, debug and write code, get simple explanations of abstract concepts, solve mathematical and logical questions, and far more. People are increasingly using the model for essay writing, as well as for trip planning.
  • Moreover, you can make money by creating apps and websites. You can also create your own AI chatbot based on your own data. If you are a programmer, you can use the chat for writing code in VS Code and IDE. It is also good for finding and fixing bugs in your code.

With the right instructions and context, ChatGPT can be immensely useful.

How to Use?

To access ChatGPT, you need to register on our site. The free plan allows you to interact with the GPT-3.5 bot and send a limited number of requests. By purchasing a subscription, you will be able to increase the number of requests and get access to the latest AI generation – GPT-4.

Now you know what chatgpt means and how to start using it. In real evaluative tests, GPT-4 scored 40% more points than GPT-3.5 across various categories. Hence, if you wish to use ChatGPT for professional purposes, it’s strongly recommended to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus to get access to the GPT-4 model.

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